Enabling Hyper V

Server Virtualization is an everyday part of my life while at work and at home. I think it is an important technology to understand and it isn’t as complicated as you may think. Take a moment to review the Basics of Virtualization before we start our first exercise, enabling Hyper V.

We don’t need to have a virtualized media Server, but we can, so why not learn a thing or two while we set it up. We are going to use Microsoft Hyper V because it comes standard on Windows 10, it’s free and its more than capable of handling the task at hand. With the commands below we can enable Hyper V along with the built in Hyper V Powershell Module.

We can use the snippet below to enable the Hyper V optional Windows Feature.
Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online | 
	Where-Object {$PSItem.FeatureName -match 'Hyper'} | 
	Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online